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Traits of a Successful Commercial Pilot

Successful commercial pilots possess a high level of technical skills, such as understanding how an aircraft works and how to operate it. Flying also requires exceptional cognitive skills like being able to think quickly and being able to learn and retain information. Theoretically, a pilot could know everything there is to know about an aircraft ... Read more

What Is a First Officer on a Plane?

Flying a plane is a tremendous undertaking. Fortunately for the Captain, they don’t have to handle this challenge alone. They have their First Officer (FO), the second in command (SIC) to them to help navigate and operate the flight. Let’s take a look at what exactly a First Officer is, and what their responsibilities entail. ... Read more

A Guide to Your First Discovery Flight

Have you thought about becoming a pilot, but wondered if it’s truly the right path for you to fly down? Taking a discovery flight is the best way to test the waters of aviation, before fully committing to a flight school. This initial experience allows aspiring pilots to see their potential future from the left ... Read more

What is the Difference Between Part 141 vs. Part 61?

Ever dreamed of soaring through the skies as a pilot? If you’ve stumbled upon this, chances are you have and are now weighing out your options to begin your flight training. However, before we can help you become a “Superior” pilot, there’s a crucial choice to make: which Federal Aviation Regulation type of training is ... Read more

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